Saturday, June 19, 2010

Massive blog time

Okay, time for a serious update. First things first: the World Cup! Or, auf Deutch: die Weltmeisterschaft (abbreviated WM). I have now watched three entire soccer games in my life. It's actually more enjoyable than I thought! Yesterday I went with some friends to watch Germany play against Serbia. As you can imagine, there is no shortage of places to catch the games. We watched it on a big screen at this student place in the WHO (a part of Tübi where a lot of students live). Unfortunately Germany lost, but it was still a lot of fun. The place was packed! We decided we're going to get jerseys and flags and go all out for the next game, which is on Wednesday the 23rd. In other news, one of my classes just ended! We had to do a final presentation, which wasn't too bad. Meanwhile I've started reading the book for one of my lectures (finally). I'll be taking two oral exams for my two lectures. So different than the states, right? I really like it though. (Well, I say that now.) There have been multiple times when writing final exams at DU that I've thought: can I just tell you the information?? And now I can! Except, in German...

Last weekend I went to London with Steff. We saw Les Miserables! It was really, really good. Otherwise we did a lot of walking and sight-seeing. You know, the usual: changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Parliament, Covent Garden, the Tate Modern, the Globe, the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge, etc. We also went to Chipotle!! Which is the only one outside of the US. I didn't know whether to be happier about the delicious burrito or the fact that I was drinking Diet Coke out of an aluminum can again. As always, see Facebook for photos. Oh! On the way to the airport to fly out of Germany, we took a train ride through the most gorgeous scenery. It was kind of like Colorado - rolling hills covered in evergreens. Rivers with rocks poking out. Except sprinkle some tiny old German villages in the valleys and then you've got the right idea. This weekend I'm hopefully headed to Freiburg to visit my friend Federico from DU. I'm so excited! Tübingen is in SW Germany, but Freiburg is almost as South and as West as you can get. Also, I hopefully have to go through the Schwarzwald to get there. :) Hooray! More beautiful scenery. And it's always fun to visit a place with someone who knows it. Now that I only have 45 more days here, I have to get my travel on when I can! I'm planning on making a solo trip to Berlin. My usual travel buddies are either booked or have already been there. I'm not quite settled on the idea of going solo, but if I went by myself I could see all the things I want to see and spend my time however I like. Plus I speak the language and I'm comfortable with the transportation options in Germany. On the other hand, I think it's generally more enjoyable to travel with other people, and I might just end up being lonely in a big city.

Other travel plans include Konstanz (south of here, on a lake!) in mid-July and Switzerland and Italy once Nicole gets here! On that note, I think I have to be the luckiest girl in the world. During my time here I will have been visited by one of my dearest friends, my boyfriend, and both my high school German teacher and German professor at DU! I'm not sure how that worked out, but I'm thrilled by all of it. :) I hope you all are doing well, and you'll be hearing from me again before too long. Have fun watching the World Cup, and I'll see you in a month and a half!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

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